It's been just over a month since I've posted progress. This is mainly due to the fact that several weeks passed by without any actual activity. The Teardrop project has not halted though, viva la teardrop! Despite a biz trip to Massachusetts for a week, and staging a Halloween party and all the other ramifications of life, there has been a little progress. Behold, the bullets:
- Build operation has migrated to the barn, after taking a day off from work to make some space
- The floor is now finally bolted on the trailer frame, complete with counter-sunk bolt heads and wood filler to make it smooth
- Edges of floor have been treated with CPES from the Rot Doctor
- Surface of floor has been stained cherry, and awaits polyurethane
- Began working on the doors, more sanding and CPES, polyurethane and stain to come
The cold November rain is no longer an obstruction, since I have a roof and four drafty walls. It may not be paradise, but I did commission the propane heater, which works pretty well in forty-degree temperatures, with further cold weather testing sure to follow.
If the cold is too bitter at times, I have work I can do in the basement to bide the time. For example, the doors are being prepped down there currently. I'm trying to run this show such that I always have something I can work on. Check out a few photos taken this past weekend below.
If the cold is too bitter at times, I have work I can do in the basement to bide the time. For example, the doors are being prepped down there currently. I'm trying to run this show such that I always have something I can work on. Check out a few photos taken this past weekend below.
The floor is finally bolted down, 14 bolts total, countersunk with some wood filler drying above
Another view from inside the barn toward the rear
All I need is some time. The way the economy is working, maybe I'll be granted a respite from work, who knows.