Thursday, August 2, 2018

Fitting the Doors

The teardrop has one door attached, at last. I had a few minutes to mount the 2nd door's hinges and line the whole deal up with the body.

I used 1/8" tile spacers on the door sill and set the door in place, drilled a few pilot holes in the wall and screwed it all together with 3/4" stainless steel screws. I think they were #10 size, which fit the hinges pretty well. The screws that are packaged with the hinges are 1", which obviously would pierce the inside wall.

The right side door doesn't fit as-is. There must be some hangup somewhere. That's just how these things go sometimes. Hopefully there isn't significant trimming to get there! I'll then add the windows and door handles - you could practically live in it! I guess that's the idea.


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