Saturday, July 8, 2017

Galley Trim and More Hatch Work

Ah Saturday, an actual real day off for most of us. I finished installing the hardware and mounted the galley doors.

I finished a few more sanding spots on the hatch and applied the ever-stinky EPS to the outside.

While I was working on the galley, I moved onto the last piece of trim that's been hanging out in the garage for a long time now. I had to do some trimming to the end of the piece below along with some trimming on the 2x2 spar that's at the top of the galley area.

Fits like a glove. I've got a coat of polyurethane drying on it now. Since I had a wet brush, I hit the spots in the cabin ceiling inside the cabinets. Minor oversight somewhere along the line. That's it for today, I think it's time to do an evening kayak paddle.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Hatch and Galley Work

Day two of planned build work this week! I spent three hours on a work conference call, despite being on vacation, and had some of this plan derailed. It's the nature of the job, I suppose. I set pilot holes for the hatch-mounted tail lights, to begin with.

You can barely see them, but they are on the bottom left and right of the hatch in the photo above. I did a bit of sanding too, just surface stuff, sanding always sucks. Back on the galley side, I added some quarter round to the sides of the countertop. I think I might lay another coat of polyurethane down and call it finished. That's four or five coats.

I could install the galley cabinet doors next. Here they are with the handles just sitting on top.

Maybe the short-term list should be this:

  • Galley doors installed
  • Sand the hatch
  • Apply EPS to the hatch

On to the next day!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Teardrop Hatch and Other Miscellany

Crack a cold one, the hatch is structurally done. One last 4' x 8' sheet of plywood bought and brought home. The last chance to miss a measurement and be forced to purchase another 4' x 8' sheet of plywood because you can't form a five-foot by four-something panel with scraps. Here's the Last Big Cut jig:

I'll oblige myself with a selfie and the finalized section of hatch skin:

The next two photos describe the attachment of the first edge. It's the upper edge of the hatch, in any case. All attachment points to the frame were countersunk and Gorilla glue was applied between the skin and the vertical spars.

The bend towards the bottom edge of the hatch gets a bit strenuous, so I used some bracing to pull it downward to button down the remainder.

Here is the finalized hatch:

I did a quick mock-up with the hatch and it looks like it fits pretty well. There will always be some bending and shaping, but it looks like I'm in good shape moving forward.

Since I was able to put a full day in working on the Teardrop, I hit a few more things. I added the last coat of polyurethane to the galley surfaces and installed knobs on the galley drawers, as seen in the photos below.

Due to the extended holiday that I arranged, I have two more days to put a good amount of work into the Teardrop. I'll slide the drawers in and do some more finishing on the hatch and see where else the hours take me.


July Kickoff

Well folks, the last big plywood cut is upon me. This will be the hatch skin below.

It's the final sheet of 1/4" birch plywood I'll buy for this project (knock on wood). Haha, bad jokes are fun. After the hatch it's just hundreds of details. The Teardrop build is certainly not near the end.
