Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Moving at the speed of... turtle

This past weekend was mostly washed out. This is part of the problem of building this thing without a garage. It's like guerrilla warfare: build and run, duck and hammer. There was threatening rain both Saturday and Sunday, but the rain held off all day Saturday. Sunday made up for that.

As I'd mentioned last Thursday, the wheels are on, which means the thing is now sitting upright. Note the photo below, describing where I had to relocated holes for the springs to rest on.

Here, the trailer sits in its final configuration on Thursday evening. The next step for the weekend was to build the floor and get that mounted to the frame.

Saturday meant yet another trip to Home Depot for 1/2" plywood and a cache of 1"x2" beams. I've been spending a lot of time at the 'Depot these days. So much so that they gave me a comp card and I get complimentary cocktails while I'm there.

No, it's true. Just tonight I was there after getting back from NJ on business, looking for stainless steel hardware for the bottom of the floor. The large things, like 4'x8' sheets of plywood are the big, obvious trips, but there are sundry items that could fit in your (cargo pants) pockets that require so many of these quick "in-and-out" trips that they collectively consume more time than the big trips.

After all these trips that lead up to, and including, Saturday, we have the floor assembly coming together.

More progress was made Monday, but was limited to finishing the gluing and screwing of the remainder of the 1"x2" strips to the floor and cutting more of the 3/4" insulation that you see above to fit in the recesses between the 1"x2" framing. Tomorrow night looks like favorable enough weather to lay a coat of roofing tar on the bottom of the floor and press the sheets of insulation into it, adding a few screws for insurance.

Of course, I need to make another trip to the hardware store.


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