Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Teardrop Blog Milestone

According to the stats, the Teardrop blog has just surpassed 6,000 views. That's really pretty small, relative to actual popular sites on the Internet, but it's something. Something to toast to, and I'll take anything to have an excuse for a drink!

I checked my auto photo backup, and have just one meager step to update on. I drilled the hole for the conduit in the headliner above the cabinet area in the galley. Below, you can see the top-down view and then from the side.

I think I've drilled it 1 1/4" in diameter, and I'll grab some conduit to pop in there on my next Home Depot trip. That's an easy task. I need to pick up some 1/4" plywood for the outside skin at the front of the teardrop, now that I've extended the wiring for the front lights backwards.

Under the miscellaneous category, I've fueled up the kerosene heater for the garage and slapped the new battery tender on the deep cycle battery. Now we just wait for some free time to get more work done... a tough order during the holidays, which have already effectively begun in my life.


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