Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Teardrop II Build: Spars and Planks

I'm still working on the headliner, which also brought into play some fortification of a few roof spars. I had to slice into the next sheet of 4x8' 1/4" birch plywood as well. Below are two photos of the remaining spars being fortified with another 1x2" spar. I did an additional screw through the sides of the camper and then glued, screwed and clamped the two spars together in each case.

What we also see above is the next section of the headliner in place as well. That section is 9" tall, as all of these sections will be, approximately. Below, we see one of these sections on the bench. You may experience some trimming for fit.

A photo of the interior view is below. Sure, it's not one continuous contour, but that didn't come to bother me before. A bonus is that this could provide easier access for repairs or other duties, I suppose. Your back will be leaning up against this wall anyway on those chilly, raining nights while you read or even fire up a movie on a laptop. This also supports the idea of the double spar at the top of the straight vertical section of the wall. Two more sections left.

Zombi the shop cat inspects all details. If I waste any more plywood, I'm told I will be fired.

Next up: those last two sections and a splash of polyurethane over the top. The insulation will follow that, most likely after marking out the lighting options. I'll have to cut a square into the ceiling for the fan as well. The kerosene heater has been working overtime this week, as we haven't seen temperatures rise above 30 degrees, so keeping toasty is tough, but I love getting this work time in.


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