Saturday, September 3, 2016

September Teardrop Update - Wiring

It's been a while! I haven't ignored the blog, I really haven't had much time to work on the Teardrop with all the Summer activities going on, not to mention a busy August at work. I did manage to wire the interior cabin lights and drop the wiring down the conduit to the electrical raceway. Here's a view of the top:

I've had a bit of a hold up anyway, as I wasn't able to test these connections due to lack of a (good) 12v battery. Once tested, I can install the remainder of the roof. I think I even have the suitable plywood. Oh but what do we have here...

Yes, I just picked up a marine battery to power all your teardrop camper needs. I just tested the wiring, and all four lights fire up perfectly. There is one other thing before I close up the roof: I need to run the wiring for the ceiling fan. I should be able to get that done this weekend.

With Fall creeping up, maybe I'll have to time to get crackin' on this.


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